
PRP Facials

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PRP Facials services offered in Glendale, CA

Fine lines, wrinkles, and lax skin are signs of aging you don’t have to live with. At Elevate Aesthetics, a wellness and aesthetic practice that’s part of Elevate Health Group, experienced and professional Aesthetic Nurses offer platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facials and other PRP treatments to stimulate cell regeneration and produce younger-looking skin. Call the office located in Glendale, a city in Los Angeles County, California, or use the online booking feature today.

PRP Facials Q&A

What is PRP?


PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, contains the part of your blood that’s rich in platelets. These substances enhance new cell growth, offering numerous anti-aging benefits for your skin, hair, and more. Elevate Aesthetics offers PRP facials, along with PRP hair restoration, to give you the younger-looking appearance you deserve.

What are the benefits of PRP?


The many benefits you can expect after choosing PRP treatments at Elevate Aesthetics include:


  • Fewer lines
  • Fewer wrinkles
  • Smoother skin
  • Thicker hair
  • Natural hair restoration
  • Ease of use
  • No pain
  • No surgery
  • No downtime
  • Younger-looking appearance
  • Self-confidence


PRP contains your own blood, which means it’s not only highly effective for antiaging, it’s entirely safe.

Is PRP right for me?


Anyone who experiences thinning hair, lines, wrinkles, or other signs of aging, can benefit from PRP facials or other PRP treatments at Elevate Aesthetics. Before personalizing your cosmetic treatment plan, a provider discusses your desired outcome, reviews your medical history, and examines your hair, scalp, and skin in areas you’re concerned about.

What should I expect during PRP treatments?


During PRP treatments at Elevate Aesthetics, you relax in a comfortable chair. Your specialist takes a sample of blood from a vein in your arm. After spinning the blood in a centrifuge to extract PRP from the rest of the blood, they inject PRP into strategic areas of your face or scalp.


During a PRP facial, your specialist may inject PRP or apply it to your face with microneedling, a procedure that makes tiny microtears in your skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production.

What happens after my procedure?


After PRP facials or other PRP procedures, you can resume normal activities immediately. However, you might have some temporary tenderness, redness, or swelling at the treatment site.


Multiple PRP treatments spaced over time offer the best results to give you younger-looking skin, a fuller head of hair, and fewer unwelcome signs of aging. Your Elevate Aesthetics specialist lets you know when to schedule your next PRP facial or PRP hair restoration treatment.


To learn more about PRP facials at Elevate Aesthetics, call the office or use the online booking tab today.